


獻給所有打造青春之歌的那些人和愛聽歌的我們 — 導演 熊儒賢

————————————– 跨樂時代 本事 ——————————————

流行歌曲80年的18變  家鄉與異鄉戒嚴之歌

美國歌,街頭放大聲  起義了,唱自己的歌

民歌和搖滾,熱血魂  民主聲浪讓音樂得救

全球華人飢渴台灣嗓  獨立樂團舉起了火焰

眼球和手指聽歌時代 我們都是流行音樂份子



Pop music has seen its heyday. But the evolution of media has gradually transferred the focus from the music itself to the multi-sensory enjoyment of live shows.
Every industry is making new rules. What is good? What is beautiful? What is right? They search for the answers through their own views.
From a song to an era, languages are changing, cultures are changing, rhythms are changing, melodies are changing, but that moment when you hear a song that touches you—that moment will always be the same.
“Across the Music Generations,” we come together to listen to these memories, and to offer a heartfelt ovation to all those who create our popular music.

跨樂時代 臺灣流行音樂紀錄電影 歡迎洽詢團體包場放映!

TEL:02-2741-8637 Email: 37domusic@gmail.com